This sample program demonstrates how to decode a JSON string.
Go language comes with more flexibility to work with the JSON document. In below example you can decode or unmarshal the JSON document into a map variable. The function Unmarshal of the json package is used to decode JSON values into Go values.
package main
import (
"encoding/json" // Encoding and Decoding Package
// JSON Contains a sample String to unmarshal.
var JSON = `{
"name":"Mark Taylor",
"jobtitle":"Software Developer",
func main() {
// Unmarshal the JSON string into info map variable.
var info map[string]interface{}
// Print the output from info map.
Mark Taylor
Software Developer
Here is the syntax for Unmarshal functions in Go:
func Unmarshal(data []byte, variable interface{}) error
The function Unmarshal parses the JSON-encoded data and stores the result into the second argument ( variable interface{} ).
The map variable "info" is declared as a map with a key of type string and a value of type interface{}.
This means the map can store any type of value for any given key.
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