Regular expression to validate the date format in "dd/mm/yyyy"
package main
import (
func main() {
str1 := "31/07/2010"
str2 := "1/13/2010"
str3 := "29/2/2007"
str4 := "31/08/2010"
str5 := "29/02/200a"
str6 := "29/02/200a"
str7 := "55/02/200a"
str8 := "2_/02/2009"
re := regexp.MustCompile("(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])/(0?[1-9]|1[012])/((19|20)\\d\\d)")
fmt.Printf("Pattern: %v\n", re.String()) // print pattern
fmt.Printf("\nDate: %v :%v\n", str1, re.MatchString(str1))
fmt.Printf("Date: %v :%v\n", str2, re.MatchString(str2))
fmt.Printf("Date: %v :%v\n", str3, re.MatchString(str3))
fmt.Printf("Date: %v :%v\n", str4, re.MatchString(str4))
fmt.Printf("Date: %v :%v\n", str5, re.MatchString(str5))
fmt.Printf("Date: %v :%v\n", str6, re.MatchString(str6))
fmt.Printf("Date: %v :%v\n", str7, re.MatchString(str7))
fmt.Printf("Date: %v :%v\n", str8, re.MatchString(str8))
Pattern: (0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])/(0?[1-9]|1[012])/((19|20)\d\d)
Date: 31/07/2010 :true
Date: 1/13/2010 :false
Date: 29/2/2007 :true
Date: 31/08/2010 :true
Date: 29/02/200a :false
Date: 29/02/200a :false
Date: 55/02/200a :false
Date: 2_/02/2009 :false
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