Multiple-value <function> in single-value context error in Golang

In Golang, the "multiple-value <function> in single-value context" error occurs when a function returns multiple values, but the caller only expects a single value. Golang allows functions to return multiple values, but the caller needs to handle all of the returned values, either by assigning them to variables or by discarding them using the blank identifier "_".

Let's consider an example to understand this error. Consider the following Golang program:


package main

import "fmt"

func divide(a, b int) (int, int) {
    quotient := a / b
    remainder := a % b
    return quotient, remainder

func main() {
    result := divide(10, 3)
    fmt.Println("Quotient: ", result)

In this program, we have a function divide that accepts two integers and returns the quotient and remainder of their division. The main function calls the divide function with two integer arguments and assigns the result to the result variable. The fmt.Println() function is then used to print the quotient to the console.

However, when we try to compile and run this program, we will encounter the following error:


./main.go:11:18: multiple-value divide() in single-value context

This error occurs because the divide function returns two values, but we are only assigning one of the values to the result variable. To fix this error, we need to modify the main function to handle both the quotient and remainder values returned by the divide function. We can do this by assigning the values to two separate variables, like this:


func main() {
    quotient, remainder := divide(10, 3)
    fmt.Println("Quotient: ", quotient, "Remainder: ", remainder)

In this modified main function, we assign the values returned by the divide function to two separate variables quotient and remainder. We then print both the quotient and remainder to the console using the fmt.Println() function. This code will compile and run without any errors.

In summary, the "multiple-value <function> in single-value context" error in Golang occurs when a function returns multiple values, but the caller only expects a single value. To fix this error, the caller needs to handle all of the returned values, either by assigning them to separate variables or by discarding them using the blank identifier "_".

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