Interfaces with similar methods in Go Programming Language
Two or more interfaces can have one or more common method in list of method sets. Here, Structure is a common method between two interfaces Vehicle and Human.
package main
import "fmt"
type Vehicle interface {
Structure() []string // Common Method
Speed() string
type Human interface {
Structure() []string // Common Method
Performance() string
type Car string
func (c Car) Structure() []string {
var parts = []string{"ECU", "Engine", "Air Filters", "Wipers", "Gas Task"}
return parts
func (c Car) Speed() string {
return "200 Km/Hrs"
type Man string
func (m Man) Structure() []string {
var parts = []string{"Brain", "Heart", "Nose", "Eyelashes", "Stomach"}
return parts
func (m Man) Performance() string {
return "8 Hrs/Day"
func main() {
var bmw Vehicle
bmw = Car("World Top Brand")
var labour Human
labour = Man("Software Developer")
for i, j := range bmw.Structure() {
fmt.Printf("%-15s <=====> %15s\n", j, labour.Structure()[i])
ECU <=====> Brain
Engine <=====> Heart
Air Filters <=====> Nose
Wipers <=====> Eyelashes
Gas Task <=====> Stomach
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