Interface embedding another interface in Go Programming Language
Interfaces may embed other interfaces, this behavior is an aspect of interface polymorphism which is known as ad hoc polymorphism.
When one type is embedded into another type, the methods of the embedded type are available to the embedding type. The method or methods of the embedded interface are accessible to the embedding interface.
package main
import "fmt"
type Geometry interface {
Edges() int
type Polygons interface {
Geometry // Interface embedding another interface
type Pentagon int
type Hexagon int
type Octagon int
type Decagon int
func (p Pentagon) Edges() int { return 5 }
func (h Hexagon) Edges() int { return 6 }
func (o Octagon) Edges() int { return 8 }
func (d Decagon) Edges() int { return 10 }
func main() {
p := new(Pentagon)
h := new(Hexagon)
o := new(Octagon)
d := new(Decagon)
polygons := [...]Polygons{p, h, o, d}
for i := range polygons {
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