How to get first and last element of slice in Golang?

In this example, you will learn to get first and last element of Slice and remove last element from Slice.

The composite data type Slice is commonly used as the colloquial construct for indexed data in Go.

The type []intSlice is a Slice with elements of type integer.
len function is used to fetch last element of Slice and remove last element from Slice.


package main

import "fmt" 
func main() {
	intSlice := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}	
	fmt.Printf("Slice: %v\n", intSlice)
	last := intSlice[len(intSlice)-1]
	fmt.Printf("Last element: %v\n", last)
	first := intSlice[:0]
	fmt.Printf("First element: %d\n", first)
	remove := intSlice[:len(intSlice)-1]
	fmt.Printf("Remove Last: %v\n", remove)



Slice: [1 2 3 4 5]
Last element: 5
First element: [1]
Remove Last: [1 2 3 4]
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