Example: Split, Join, and Equal from BYTES Package
Split slices s into all subslices separated by sep and returns a slice of the subslices between those separators.
Join concatenates the elements of s to create a new byte slice. The separator sep is placed between elements in the resulting slice.
Equal returns a boolean(true or false) reporting whether a and b are the same length and contain the same bytes.
package main
import (
func main() {
countries := []byte("Australia Canada Japan Germany India")
space := []byte{' '}
splitExample := bytes.Split(countries, space)
fmt.Printf("\nSplit split %q on a single space:", countries)
for index,element := range splitExample{
fmt.Printf("\n%d => %q", index, element)
joinChar := []byte{'-'}
countryJoin := bytes.Join(splitExample,joinChar)
fmt.Printf("\n\nJoin joins slice with '-' : %q", countryJoin)
fmt.Printf("\nEqual Checks Byte Slice:%v",bytes.Equal(countryJoin,countries)) // false
countryJoin = bytes.Join(splitExample,space)
fmt.Printf("\nEqual Checks Byte Slice:%v",bytes.Equal(countryJoin,countries)) // true
Split split "Australia Canada Japan Germany India" on a single space:
0 => "Australia"
1 => "Canada"
2 => "Japan"
3 => "Germany"
4 => "India"
Join joins slice with '-' : "Australia-Canada-Japan-Germany-India"
Equal Checks Byte Slice:false
Equal Checks Byte Slice:true
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