GO Program to Find Factorial of a Number
This program takes a positive integer from the user and computes factorial using for loop. New function factorial created which returns the factorial value of a number.
//Program to find Factorial of number
package main
import "fmt"
/* Variable Declaration */
var factVal uint64 = 1 // uint64 is the set of all unsigned 64-bit integers.
// Range: 0 through 18446744073709551615.
var i int = 1
var n int
/* function declaration */
func factorial(n int) uint64 {
if(n < 0){
fmt.Print("Factorial of negative number doesn't exist.")
for i:=1; i<=n; i++ {
factVal *= uint64(i) // mismatched types int64 and int
return factVal /* return from function*/
func main(){
fmt.Print("Enter a positive integer between 0 - 50 : ")
fmt.Print("Factorial is: ",factorial(n))
factVal *= uint64(i) // i is int and factVal is uint64. Compiler will through exception "mismatched types int64 and int" if we not convert i to uint64.