Golang Tutorial
Introduction Variables Constants Data Type Convert Types Operators If..Else Switch..Case For Loops Functions Variadic Functions Deferred Functions Calls Panic and Recover Arrays Slices Maps Struct Interface Goroutines Channels Concurrency Problems Logs Files and Directories Reading and Writing Files Regular Expression Find DNS records Cryptography Gotchas in Golang Import and Export Best Golang Packages Web Application Goroutines and Channels Exercises Reflection in Golang Golang for beginners Strings in Golang HTTP Client Server Examples Context PackageGolang Reference
Basic Programs Advance Programs Data Structure and Algorithms Date and Time Slice Sort, Reverse, Search Functions String Functions Methods and Objects Interface TypeBeego Framework
Beego Setup Beego Database Migration Beego GET POST Beego RoutingGolang Struct
Golang Struct
Learn to create user-defined types by combining with other types.
A struct (short for "structure") is a collection of data fields with declared data types. Golang has the ability to declare and create own data types by combining one or more types, including both built-in and user-defined types. Each data field in a struct is declared with a known type, which could be a built-in type or another user-defined type.
Structs are the only way to create concrete user-defined types in Golang. Struct types are declared by composing a fixed set of unique fields. Structs can improve modularity and allow to create and pass complex data structures around the system. You can also consider Structs as a template for creating a data record, like an employee record or an e-commerce product.
The declaration starts with the keyword type, then a name for the new struct, and finally the keyword struct. Within the curly brackets, a series of data fields are specified with a name and a type.
type identifier struct{
field1 data_type
field2 data_type
field3 data_type
Declaration of a Struct Type
A struct type rectangle is declared that has three data fields of different data-types. Here, struct used without instantiate a new instance of that type.
package main
import "fmt"
type rectangle struct {
length float64
breadth float64
color string
func main() {
fmt.Println(rectangle{10.5, 25.10, "red"})
The rectangle struct and its fields are not exported to other packages because identifiers are started with an lowercase letter. In Golang, identifiers are exported to other packages if the name starts with an uppercase letter, otherwise the accessibility will be limited within the package only.
Creating Instances of Struct Types
The var keyword initializes a variable rect. Using dot notation, values are assigned to the struct fields.
package main
import "fmt"
type rectangle struct {
length int
breadth int
color string
geometry struct {
area int
perimeter int
func main() {
var rect rectangle // dot notation
rect.length = 10
rect.breadth = 20
rect.color = "Green"
rect.geometry.area = rect.length * rect.breadth
rect.geometry.perimeter = 2 * (rect.length + rect.breadth)
fmt.Println("Area:\t", rect.geometry.area)
fmt.Println("Perimeter:", rect.geometry.perimeter)
The struct is printed to the terminal, showing the values have been assigned.
Creating a Struct Instance Using a Struct Literal
Creates an instance of rectangle struct by using a struct literal and assigning values to the fields of the struct.
package main
import "fmt"
type rectangle struct {
length int
breadth int
color string
func main() {
var rect1 = rectangle{10, 20, "Green"}
var rect2 = rectangle{length: 10, color: "Green"} // breadth value skipped
rect3 := rectangle{10, 20, "Green"}
rect4 := rectangle{length: 10, breadth: 20, color: "Green"}
rect5 := rectangle{breadth: 20, color: "Green"} // length value skipped
Struct Instantiation Using new Keyword
An instance of a struct can also be created with the new keyword. It is then possible to assign data values to the data fields using dot notation.
package main
import "fmt"
type rectangle struct {
length int
breadth int
color string
func main() {
rect1 := new(rectangle) // rect1 is a pointer to an instance of rectangle
rect1.length = 10
rect1.breadth = 20
rect1.color = "Green"
var rect2 = new(rectangle) // rect2 is an instance of rectangle
rect2.length = 10
rect2.color = "Red"
Two instances of the rectangle struct are instantiated, rect1 points to the address of the instantiated struct and rect2 is the name of a struct it represents.
Struct Instantiation Using Pointer Address Operator
Creates an instance of rectangle struct by using a pointer address operator is denoted by & symbol.
package main
import "fmt"
type rectangle struct {
length int
breadth int
color string
func main() {
var rect1 = &rectangle{10, 20, "Green"} // Can't skip any value
var rect2 = &rectangle{}
rect2.length = 10
rect2.color = "Red"
fmt.Println(rect2) // breadth skipped
var rect3 = &rectangle{}
(*rect3).breadth = 10
(*rect3).color = "Blue"
fmt.Println(rect3) // length skipped
Nested Struct Type
Struct can be nested by creating a Struct type using other Struct types as the type for the fields of Struct. Nesting one struct within another can be a useful way to model more complex structures.
package main
import "fmt"
type Salary struct {
Basic, HRA, TA float64
type Employee struct {
FirstName, LastName, Email string
Age int
MonthlySalary []Salary
func main() {
e := Employee{
FirstName: "Mark",
LastName: "Jones",
Email: "mark@gmail.com",
Age: 25,
MonthlySalary: []Salary{
Basic: 15000.00,
HRA: 5000.00,
TA: 2000.00,
Basic: 16000.00,
HRA: 5000.00,
TA: 2100.00,
Basic: 17000.00,
HRA: 5000.00,
TA: 2200.00,
fmt.Println(e.FirstName, e.LastName)
Use Field Tags in the Definition of Struct Type
During the definition of a struct type, optional string values may be added to each field declaration.
package main
import (
type Employee struct {
FirstName string `json:"firstname"`
LastName string `json:"lastname"`
City string `json:"city"`
func main() {
json_string := `
"firstname": "Rocky",
"lastname": "Sting",
"city": "London"
emp1 := new(Employee)
json.Unmarshal([]byte(json_string), emp1)
emp2 := new(Employee)
emp2.FirstName = "Ramesh"
emp2.LastName = "Soni"
emp2.City = "Mumbai"
jsonStr, _ := json.Marshal(emp2)
fmt.Printf("%s\n", jsonStr)
The tags are represented as raw string values (wrapped within a pair of ``) and ignored by normal code execution.
Add Method to Struct Type
You can also add methods to struct types using a method receiver. A method EmpInfo is added to the Employee struct.
package main
import "fmt"
type Salary struct {
Basic, HRA, TA float64
type Employee struct {
FirstName, LastName, Email string
Age int
MonthlySalary []Salary
func (e Employee) EmpInfo() string {
fmt.Println(e.FirstName, e.LastName)
for _, info := range e.MonthlySalary {
return "----------------------"
func main() {
e := Employee{
FirstName: "Mark",
LastName: "Jones",
Email: "mark@gmail.com",
Age: 25,
MonthlySalary: []Salary{
Basic: 15000.00,
HRA: 5000.00,
TA: 2000.00,
Basic: 16000.00,
HRA: 5000.00,
TA: 2100.00,
Basic: 17000.00,
HRA: 5000.00,
TA: 2200.00,
Assign Default Value for Struct Field
Method of assigning a custom default value can be achieve by using constructor function. Instead of creating a struct directly, the Info function can be used to create an Employee struct with a custom default value for the Name and Age field.
package main
import "fmt"
type Employee struct {
Name string
Age int
func (obj *Employee) Info() {
if obj.Name == "" {
obj.Name = "John Doe"
if obj.Age == 0 {
obj.Age = 25
func main() {
emp1 := Employee{Name: "Mr. Fred"}
emp2 := Employee{Age: 26}
This is a technique rather than something that is part of the Golang specification.
Find Type of Struct
The reflect package support to check the underlying type of a struct.
package main
import (
type rectangle struct {
length float64
breadth float64
color string
func main() {
var rect1 = rectangle{10, 20, "Green"}
fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(rect1)) // main.rectangle
fmt.Println(reflect.ValueOf(rect1).Kind()) // struct
rect2 := rectangle{length: 10, breadth: 20, color: "Green"}
fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(rect2)) // main.rectangle
fmt.Println(reflect.ValueOf(rect2).Kind()) // struct
rect3 := new(rectangle)
fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(rect3)) // *main.rectangle
fmt.Println(reflect.ValueOf(rect3).Kind()) // ptr
var rect4 = &rectangle{}
fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(rect4)) // *main.rectangle
fmt.Println(reflect.ValueOf(rect4).Kind()) // ptr
Comparing Structs with the Different Values Assigned to Data Fields
Structs of the same type can be compared using comparison operator.
package main
import "fmt"
type rectangle struct {
length float64
breadth float64
color string
func main() {
var rect1 = rectangle{10, 20, "Green"}
rect2 := rectangle{length: 20, breadth: 10, color: "Red"}
if rect1 == rect2 {
} else {
rect3 := new(rectangle)
var rect4 = &rectangle{}
if rect3 == rect4 {
} else {
Copy Struct Type Using Value and Pointer Reference
r2 will be the same as r1, it is a copy of r1 rather than a reference to it. Any changes made to r2 will not be applied to r1 and vice versa. When r3 is updated, the underlying memory that is assigned to r1 is updated.
package main
import "fmt"
type rectangle struct {
length float64
breadth float64
color string
func main() {
r1 := rectangle{10, 20, "Green"}
r2 := r1
r2.color = "Pink"
r3 := &r1
r3.color = "Red"
{10 20 Green}
{10 20 Pink}
&{10 20 Red}
{10 20 Red}
As both r1 and r3 both reference the same underlying memory, their values are the same. Printing the values of r3 and r1 shows that the values are the same.