GO Hello World program
A simple GO program to display "Hello, World!" on the screen. Traditionally, the first program you write in any programming language is called a "Hello, World" program—a program that simply outputs Hello, World to your terminal.
package main // Package Declaration, every Go program must start with it
// White Spaces or Newline or Tabs, Go mostly doesn't care about this
import "fmt" // import is a keyword use to include code fro other package
// fmt is package
// use of double quotes like this is known as String literal
/* ======Function Declration Starts==== */
func main(){ // all functions start with keyword func followed by name of function
fmt.Println("Hello World") //function inside fmt package called Println
/* ======Function Declration Ends====== */
The line starts with // is known as a comment. Comments are ignored by GO compiler.
You can use /* */ to write multiple line comments.
The main piece of our program line is:
fmt.Println("Hello World")
Println function called Under fmt package,