Get Set and Clear Session in Golang
package main
import (
var cookieHandler = securecookie.New(
func getSession(request *http.Request) (yourName string) {
if cookie, err := request.Cookie("your-name"); err == nil {
cookieValue := make(map[string]string)
if err = cookieHandler.Decode("your-name", cookie.Value, &cookieValue); err == nil {
yourName = cookieValue["your-name"]
return yourName
func setSession(yourName string, response http.ResponseWriter) {
value := map[string]string{
"your-name": yourName,
if encoded, err := cookieHandler.Encode("your-name", value); err == nil {
cookie := &http.Cookie{
Name: "your-name",
Value: encoded,
Path: "/",
MaxAge: 3600,
http.SetCookie(response, cookie)
func clearSession(response http.ResponseWriter) {
cookie := &http.Cookie{
Name: "your-name",
Value: "",
Path: "/",
MaxAge: -1,
http.SetCookie(response, cookie)
func setSessionHandler(response http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
name := request.FormValue("name")
redirectTarget := "/"
if name != "" {
setSession(name, response)
redirectTarget = "/page1"
http.Redirect(response, request, redirectTarget, 302)
func clearSessionHandler(response http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
http.Redirect(response, request, "/", 302)
const indexPage = `
Sesssion Test
func indexPageHandler(response http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
fmt.Fprintf(response, indexPage)
const frontPage = `
Check Sesssion
Your Name: %s
func sessionPageHandler(response http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
yourName := getSession(request)
if yourName != "" {
fmt.Fprintf(response, frontPage, yourName)
} else {
http.Redirect(response, request, "/", 302)
var router = mux.NewRouter()
func main() {
router.HandleFunc("/", indexPageHandler)
router.HandleFunc("/page1", sessionPageHandler)
router.HandleFunc("/page2", sessionPageHandler)
router.HandleFunc("/page3", sessionPageHandler)
router.HandleFunc("/page4", sessionPageHandler)
router.HandleFunc("/start", setSessionHandler).Methods("POST")
router.HandleFunc("/clear", clearSessionHandler).Methods("POST")
http.Handle("/", router)
http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)
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