Golang program for implementation of ZigZag Matrix
Draw 2D matrix, print all elements of the given matrix in ZigZag order. The number has to starts from 0 and then increase in ZigZag format and has to draw a square of numbers. Consider the 5 X 5 is matrix size
package main
import (
func zigzag(n int) []int {
zz := make([]int, n*n)
i := 0
n2 := n * 2
for p := 1; p <= n2; p++ {
x := p - n
if x < 0 {
x = 0
y := p - 1
if y > n-1 {
y = n - 1
j := n2 - p
if j > p {
j = p
for k := 0; k < j; k++ {
if p&1 == 0 {
zz[(x+k)*n+y-k] = i
} else {
zz[(y-k)*n+x+k] = i
return zz
func main() {
num := 5
len := 2
for i, draw := range zigzag(num) {
fmt.Printf("%*d ", len, draw)
if i%num == num-1 {
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