Golang program for implementation of Binary Search

A binary search is a search strategy used to find elements within a list by consistently reducing the amount of data to be searched and thereby increasing the rate at which the search term is found. To use a binary search algorithm, the list to be operated on must have already been sorted.


package main
import "fmt"

func binarySearch(needle int, haystack []int) bool {

	low := 0
	high := len(haystack) - 1

	for low <= high{
		median := (low + high) / 2

		if haystack[median] < needle {
			low = median + 1
			high = median - 1

	if low == len(haystack) || haystack[low] != needle {
		return false

	return true

func main(){
	items := []int{1,2, 9, 20, 31, 45, 63, 70, 100}
	fmt.Println(binarySearch(63, items))


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