Program in Go language to Find Largest Element of an Array
Simple program using array and for loop to takes n number of element from user (where, n is specified by user) and store all elements data in an array. Then, this program displays the largest element of that array using loops.
// Golang Program to Find Largest Element of an Array
package main
import "fmt"
func main(){
var num[100] float64
var temp int
fmt.Print("Enter number of elements: ")
for i := 0; i < temp; i++ {
fmt.Print("Enter the number : ")
for j := 1; j < temp; j++ {
if( num[0] < num[j] ) {num[0] = num[j]}
fmt.Print("The largest number is : ",num[0])
Enter number of elements: 5
Enter the number : 5.2
Enter the number : 6
Enter the number : -9.8
Enter the number : 0.3
Enter the number : 5
The largest number is : 6
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