Anonymous Functions in Golang

An anonymous function is a function that was declared without any named identifier to refer to it. Anonymous functions can accept inputs and return outputs, just as standard functions do.

Assigning function to the variable.

Anonymous functions can be used for containing functionality that need not be named and possibly for short-term use.


package main

import "fmt"

var (
	area = func(l int, b int) int {
		return l * b

func main() {
	fmt.Println(area(20, 30))


Passing arguments to anonymous functions.

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	func(l int, b int) {
		fmt.Println(l * b)
	}(20, 30)


Function defined to accept a parameter and return value.

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
		"100 (°F) = %.2f (°C)\n",
		func(f float64) float64 {
			return (f - 32.0) * (5.0 / 9.0)
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